Friday, 31 March 2017

The Launch... The Happiest people alive

What better day to officially launch this Blog than a day that every Trini looks forward to -Friday. In the words of Machel Montano "Happiness is the measure of Success" and today I'm sure every Trini is feeling successful because it's month end Friday... we all got paid 👍... time to lime 😃! I lie? Lol.

Wherever you are liming guys be safe, designate and you can look out for Good News and lots of Positivity from me here at Positive Trini Vibes from tomorrow. Besure to comment on posts and share any Good News with me and I will be happy to share it with my followers. Till then, here is some Machel Montano, positive music, reminding us that we are indeed the Happiest people alive...

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